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Безопасность синтетических и биологических болезнь-модифицирующих антиревматических препаратов: систематический обзор литературы по обновлённым 2016 EULAR рекомендациям по ведению ревматоидного артрита. Дополнительные материалы

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Содержание Страницы
1.1. Стратегия поиска для bDMARDs 2 2
1.2. Стратегия поиска для sDMARDs 8 8
  1. Комментарий схема
  1. Резюме публикаций
  1. Подробные сведения о включенных исследований
4.1. Инфекции 19
4.1.1. Серьезные инфекции 19
4.1.2. Инфекции опоясывающего 28
4.1.3. Туберкулез 29
4.1.4. Кожные инфекции 33
4.1.5. Не-вирусных оппортунистических инфекций 34
4.2. Злокачественные опухоли 36
4.3. Смертность 44
4.4. Сердечно-сосудистые события 47
4.5. Интерстициальные заболевания легких 52
  1. Ссылкам на исследования
  1. Список сокращений
Online Supplementary material Table of Contents Page
1.1. Search strategy for bDMARDs 2
1.2. Search strategy for sDMARDs 8
  1. Review flow chart
  1. Summary of publications
  1. Details of the included studies
4.1. Infections 19
4.1.1. Serious infections 19
4.1.2. Infection by herpes zoster 28
4.1.3. Tuberculosis 29
4.1.4. Skin infections 33
4.1.5. Non-viral opportunistic infections 34
4.2. Malignancies 36
4.3. Mortality 44
4.4. Cardiovascular events 47
4.5. Interstitial lung disease 52
  1. References of included studies
  1. List of abbreviations
1.1. Search strategy for bDMARDs Medline
  1. exp arthritis, rheumatoid/
  2. ((rheumatoid or reumatoid or rheumat$ or reumat$) adj3 (arthrit$ or artrit$ or diseas$ or condition$ or nodule$)).tw.
  3. (felty$ adj2 syndrome).tw.
  4. (caplan$ adj2 syndrome).tw.
  5. or/1-4
  6. exp biological therapy/
  7. exp antibodies, monoclonal/
  8. exp monokines/
  9. exp receptors, interleukin-1/
  10. exp receptors, interleukin-6/
  11. exp immunoglobulin g/
  12. exp immunoconjugates/
  13. exp polyethylene glycols/
  14. exp immunoglobulin fab fragments/
  15. exp t-lymphocytes/
  16. biologic$.tw.
  17. biosimilar$.tw.
  18. infliximab.tw.
  19. remicade.tw.
  20. adalimumab.tw.
  21. humira.tw.
  22. trudexa.tw.
  23. abatacept.tw.
  24. orencia.tw.
  25. anakinra.tw.
  26. kineret.tw.
  27. Certolizumab.tw.
  28. cimzia.tw.
  29. Etanercept.tw.
  30. enbrel.tw.
  31. Golimumab.tw.
  32. simponi.tw.
  33. rituximab.tw.
  34. rituxan.tw.
  35. mabthera.tw.
  36. Tocilizumab.tw.
  37. actemra.tw.
  38. RoActemra.tw.
  39. or/6-38
  40. 5 and 39
  41. (safe or safety).tw.
  42. side effect$.tw.
  43. ((adverse or undesirable or harms$ or serious or toxic) adj3 (effect$ or reaction$ or event$ or outcome$)).tw.
  44. exp product surveillance, postmarketing/
  45. exp adverse drug reaction reporting systems/
  46. clinical trials, phase iv/
  47. Clinical Trials, Phase III/
  48. exp poisoning/
  49. exp substance-related disorders/
  50. exp drug toxicity/
  51. exp abnormalities, drug induced/
  52. exp drug monitoring/
  53. exp drug hypersensitivity/
  54. (toxicity or complication$ or noxious or tolerability).tw.
  55. exp Postoperative Complications/
  56. exp Intraoperative Complications/
  57. or/41-56
  58. 40 and 57
  59. (animals not (humans and animals)).sh.
  60. 58 not 59
  61. limit 60 to yr=”2013 -Current”
  1. ‘rheumatoid arthritis’/exp
  2. ((rheumatoid OR reumatoid OR rheumat* OR reumat*) NEAR/3 (arthrit* OR artrit* OR diseas* OR condition* OR nodule*)):ab,ti
  3. (felty* NEAR/2 syndrome):ab,ti
  4. (caplan* NEAR/2 syndrome):ab,ti
  5. #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4
  6. ‘biological therapy’/exp
  7. biologic*:ab,ti OR biosimilar*:ab,ti
  8. ‘monoclonal antibody’/exp
  9. ‘infliximab’:ab,ti
  10. remicade:ab,ti
  11. adalimumab:ab,ti
  12. humira:ab,ti
  13. trudexa:ab,ti
  14. orencia:ab,ti
  15. anakinra:ab,ti
  16. kineret:ab,ti
  17. certolizumab:ab,ti
  18. cimzia:ab,ti
  19. ‘etanercept’/de
  20. etanercept:ab,ti
  21. enbrel:ab,ti
  22. golimumab:ab,ti
  23. simponi:ab,ti
  24. rituximab:ab,ti
  25. rituxan:ab,ti
  26. mabthera:ab,ti
  27. tocilizumab:ab,ti
  28. actemra:ab,ti
  29. roactemra:ab,ti
  30. secukinumab:ab,ti
  31. cosentyx:ab,ti
  32. ustekinumab:ab,ti
  33. stelara:ab,ti
  34. brodalumab:ab,ti
  35. ixekizumab:ab,ti
  36. #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36
  37. #5 AND #37
  38. ‘adverse drug reaction’/lnk OR ‘complication’/lnk OR ‘side effect’/lnk
  39. safe:ab,ti OR safety:ab,ti
  40. ‘side effect’:ab,ti OR ‘side effects’:ab,ti
  41. ((adverse OR undesirable OR harms* OR serious OR toxic) NEAR/3 (effect* OR reaction* OR event* OR outcome*)):ab,ti
  42. ‘postmarketing surveillance’/exp
  43. ‘phase 4 clinical trial (topic)’/de
  44. ‘intoxication’/exp
  45. ‘drug toxicity’/exp
  46. ‘congenital malformation’/exp
  47. ‘drug monitoring’/de
  48. ‘drug hypersensitivity’/exp
  49. toxicity:ab,ti OR complication*:ab,ti OR noxious:ab,ti OR tolerability:ab,ti
  50. ‘postoperative complication’/exp
  51. ‘peroperative complication’/de
  52. #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47 OR #48 OR #49 OR #50 OR #51 OR #52 OR #53
  53. #38 AND #53 AND [humans]/lim AND [embase]/lim AND #38 AND #54 AND [humans]/lim AND [embase]/lim AND AND (2013:py OR 2014:py OR 2015:py OR 2016:py) AND (‘article’/it OR ‘article in press’/it)
Cochrane Central #1 MeSH descriptor: [Arthritis, Rheumatoid] explode all trees #2 ((rheumatoid or reumatoid or rheumat* or reumat*) near/3 (arthrit* or artrit* or diseas* or condition* or nodule*)):ti,ab #3 (felty* near/2 syndrome):ti,ab #4 (caplan* near/j2 syndrome):ti,ab #5 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 #6 MeSH descriptor: [Biological Therapy] explode all trees #7 MeSH descriptor: [Antibodies, Monoclonal] explode all trees #8 MeSH descriptor: [Monokines] explode all trees #9 MeSH descriptor: [Receptors, Interleukin-1] explode all trees #10 MeSH descriptor: [Receptors, Interleukin-6] explode all trees #11 MeSH descriptor: [Immunoglobulin G] explode all trees #12 MeSH descriptor: [Immunoconjugates] explode all trees #13 MeSH descriptor: [Polyethylene Glycols] explode all trees #14 MeSH descriptor: [Immunoglobulin Fab Fragments] explode all trees #15 MeSH descriptor: [T-Lymphocytes] explode all trees #16 biologic*:ti,ab #17 biosimilar*:ti,ab #18 infliximab:ti,ab #19 remicade:ti,ab #20 adalimumab:ti,ab #21 humira:ti,ab #22 trudexa:ti,ab #23 abatacept:ti,ab #24 orencia:ti,ab #25 anakinra:ti,ab #26 kineret:ti,ab #27 Certolizumab:ti,ab #28 cimzia:ti,ab #29 Etanercept:ti,ab #30 enbrel:ti,ab #31 Golimumab:ti,ab #32 simponi:ti,ab #33 rituximab:ti,ab #34 rituxan:ti,ab #35 mabthera:ti,ab #36 Tocilizumab:ti,ab #37 actemra:ti,ab #38 RoActemra:ti,ab #39 #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 or #30 or #31 or #32 or #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 #40 #5 and #39 1.2. Search strategy for sDMARDs Medline
  1. exp arthritis, rheumatoid/
  2. ((rheumatoid or reumatoid or rheumat$ or reumat$) adj3 (arthrit$ or artrit$ or diseas$ or condition$ or nodule$)).tw.
  3. (felty$ adj2 syndrome).tw.
  4. (caplan$ adj2 syndrome).tw.
  5. or/1-4
  6. Antirheumatic Agents/
  7. Antirheumatic$.tw.
  8. dmard$.tw.
  9. Methotrexate/
  10. Methotrexate.tw.
  11. (Abitrexate or amet?opterine or Abitrexate or A Met?opterine$ or Antifolan or Emt?exate or Enthexate or Farmitrexate or Folex or Ledertrexate or Methoblastin or Methohexate or Methotrate or Methylaminopterin or Metotrexat$ or mtx or Novatrex or Rheumatrex).tw.
  12. exp Isoxazoles/
  13. isoxazole$.tw.
  14. leflunomide$.tw.
  15. (Afiancen or Arabloc or Arava or Artrilab or Artrimod or Filartros or Inmunoartro or Lefluar or Leflucross or Lefno or Lefra or Lefumide or Lisifen or Molagar or Repso or Rumalef).tw.
  16. Sulfasalazine/
  17. sulfasalazine.tw.
  18. (Salazosulfapyridine or sulfasalazine or Sulfosalazine or Sulfasal#zine or Salazopyridin$ or asulfidine or azulf#dine).tw.
  19. Hydroxychloroquine/
  20. Hydroxychloro$.tw.
  21. (Axokineor or Dolquine or Ercoquin or Evoquin or HCQS or HQT or Hydrocad or Hydroquin or Ilinol or Immard or Metirel or Narbon or Oxcq or Oxiklorin or Oxy-Q or Plaquen?l or Polirreuminor or Quensyl or Reuquinol).tw.
  22. exp Gold Compounds/
  23. exp Organogold Compounds/
  24. gold.tw.
  25. exp Chloroquine/
  26. chloroquine$.tw.
  27. (aralen or arechine or arequin or chingamin or chlorochin or khingamin or nivaquine or oxychloroquine or oxychlorochin or plaquinol or plaquinil or quensy or anoclor or arthrabas or avloclor or cidanchin or clopirim or collagenan or daraclor or daramal or dichinalex or difosquin or diroquine or genocin or heliopar or klorokin or malarex or malaviron or mirquin or nivaquine or novo-chloroquine or novochloroquine or paluken or palux or pharmaquinine or plasmoquine or promal or p-roquine or resoquin$ or savarine or syncoquin or weimerquin).tw.
  28. Azathioprine/
  29. azathioprine.tw.
  30. (Aseroprim or Aseroprin or Azaallen or Azadus or Azafalk or Azafor or Azafrine or Azaglax or Azahexal or Aza?mun$ or Azamedac or Azap or Azap?in$ or Azapress or Aza-Q or Azarek or Azasan or Azathiodura or Azathiodura or Azathioregio or Azatrilem or Azimune or Azop?in$ or Azoran or Berkaprine or Colinsan or Glaxoprin or Immunoprin or Imuger or Imunen or Imuprin$ or Imuran or Imure?or Imuzat or Oprisine or Satedon or Thioprine or Tiosalprin or Transimune or Zaprine or Zytrim).tw.
  31. exp Cyclosporins/
  32. c?closporin$.tw.
  33. (neoral or gengraf or restasis or sandimmun$ or sangcya).tw.
  34. exp Penicillamine/
  35. Penicillamine.tw.
  36. (Adalkenor or Artamin or Atamir or Byanodine or Cilamin or Cuprenil or Cuprimine or Cupripen or Depen or Distamin$ or D-Penamine or Gerodyl or Kelatin$ or Mercaptyl or Metalcaptase or Pendramine or Rhumantin or Sufortan$ or Trisorcin or Trolovol).tw.
  37. exp Cyclophosphamide/
  38. (cyclophosph$ or cytophosphan or Cytoxan or sendoxan or endoxan or neosar or nsc-26271 or procytox or b-518 or ifosfamide or isophosphamide or iphosphamide or isofosfamide or holoxan or nsc-109$ or asta z 4942 or cfx or phosphoramide mustard$).tw.
  39. Mycophenolic Acid/
  40. mycophenolate.tw.
  41. (Arzip or Baxmune or CellCept or Cellmune or Celprot or Ceptolate or Imulate or Imuxgen or Lanfetil or Limfocept or Metocris or Micocept or MMF or Mofecept or Mofetyl or Mofilet or Mofimutral or Mometil or Mophecen or Munotras or Myaccord or Mycept or Myclausenor or
Mycofenor or Mycolat or Mycoldosa or Mycophen or Myfenax Myfetil or Mygref or Myotec or Mysept or Presumin or Refrat or Renocell or Supresta or Tevacept or Trixin).tw.
  1. exp Chlorambucil/
  2. chlorambucil.tw.
  3. (Amboclorin or Clokeran or Leukeran or Linfolysin or Lympholysin).tw.
  4. Minocycline/
  5. minocyclin$.tw.
  6. (Acneclin or Akamin or Aknemin or Akne-Puren or Aknereduct or Aknin-Mino or Aknin-N or Aknoral or Aknosan or Apominolin or Arestinor or Auramin or Blemix or Borymycin or Cipancin or Cyclimycin or Dentomycin$ or durakne or Dynacin or Enca or Icht-Oralor or Klinoc or Klinomycin or Klinotab or Lederderm or Logryx or Meibi or Mestacine or Micromycin or Minac 50 or Minakne or Minaxen or Mino-50 or Minocin or Minoclin or Minodene or Minoderm or Minogalen or Minolis or Minomax or Minomycin or Minoplus or Minosil or Minostad or Minotab$ or Minotekor or Minotrex or Minotyrol or Mino-Wolff or Minox or Mynocine or Myrac or Oracyclin or Parocline or Periocline or Peritrol or Ranmino or Romin or Seboclear or Sebomin or Sebren or Skid or Skinocyclin or Solodyn or Spicline or Triomin or Udima or Vectrin or Yelnac or Zacnan).tw.
  7. Pyrroles/
  8. tofacitinib.tw.
  9. Xeljanz.tw.
  10. or/6-50
  11. (safe or safety).tw.
  12. side effect$.tw.
  13. ((adverse or undesirable or harms$ or serious or toxic) adj3 (effect$ or reaction$ or event$ or outcome$)).tw.
  14. exp product surveillance, postmarketing/
  15. exp adverse drug reaction reporting systems/
  16. clinical trials, phase iv/
  17. Clinical Trials, Phase III/
  18. exp poisoning/
  19. exp substance-related disorders/
  20. exp drug toxicity/
  21. exp abnormalities, drug induced/
  22. exp drug monitoring/
  23. exp drug hypersensitivity/
  24. (toxicity or complication$ or noxious or tolerability).tw.
  25. exp Postoperative Complications/
  26. exp Intraoperative Complications/
  27. or/52-67
  28. and/5,51,68
  1. ‘rheumatoid arthritis’/exp
  2. ((rheumatoid OR reumatoid OR rheumat* OR reumat*) NEAR/3 (arthrit* OR artrit* OR diseas* OR condition* OR nodule*)):ab,ti
  3. (felty* NEAR/2 syndrome):ab,ti
  4. (caplan* NEAR/2 syndrome):ab,ti
  5. #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4
  6. ‘disease modifying antirheumatic drug’/de
  7. antirheumatic*:ab,ti
  8. dmard*:ab,ti
  9. ‘disease modifying antirheumatic’:ab,ti OR ‘disease modifying antirheumatics’:ab,ti
  10. ‘methotrexate’/de
  11. methotrexate:ab,ti
  12. ametopterine:ab,ti OR amethopterine:ab,ti OR abitrexate:ab,ti OR ‘a metopterine’:ab,ti OR ‘a methopterine’:ab,ti OR antifolan:ab,ti OR emtexate:ab,ti OR emtrexate:ab,ti OR enthexate:ab,ti OR farmitrexate:ab,ti OR folex:ab,ti OR ledertrexate:ab,ti OR methoblastin:ab,ti OR methohexate:ab,ti OR methotrate:ab,ti OR methylaminopterin:ab,ti OR metotrexat*:ab,ti OR mtx:ab,ti OR novatrex:ab,ti OR rheumatrex:ab,ti
  13. ‘isoxazole derivative’/exp
  14. isoxazole*:ab,ti
  15. afiancen:ab,ti OR arabloc:ab,ti OR arava:ab,ti OR artrilab:ab,ti OR artrimod:ab,ti OR filartros:ab,ti OR inmunoartro:ab,ti OR lefluar:ab,ti OR leflucross:ab,ti OR lefno:ab,ti OR lefra:ab,ti OR lefumide:ab,ti OR lisifen:ab,ti OR molagar:ab,ti OR repso:ab,ti OR rumalef:ab,ti
  16. ‘salazosulfapyridine’/de
  17. sulfasalazine:ab,ti
  18. salazosulfapyridine:ab,ti OR sulfasalazine:ab,ti OR sulfosalazine:ab,ti OR sulfasazine:ab,ti OR sulfasizine:ab,ti OR salazopyridin*:ab,ti OR asulfidine:ab,ti OR azulfadine:ab,ti OR azulfidine:ab,ti
  19. ‘hydroxychloroquine’/de
  20. hydroxychloro*:ab,ti
  21. axokineor:ab,ti OR dolquine:ab,ti OR ercoquin:ab,ti OR evoquin:ab,ti OR hcqs:ab,ti OR hqt:ab,ti OR hydrocad:ab,ti OR hydroquin:ab,ti OR ilinol:ab,ti OR immard:ab,ti OR metirel:ab,ti OR narbon:ab,ti OR oxcq:ab,ti OR oxiklorin:ab,ti OR ‘oxy q’:ab,ti OR plaquenil:ab,ti OR polirreuminor:ab,ti OR quensyl:ab,ti OR reuquinol:ab,ti
  22. ‘gold therapy’/de
  23. gold:ab,ti
  24. ‘chloroquine’/de
  25. chloroquine*:ab,ti
“26. aralen:ab,ti OR arechine:ab,ti OR arequin:ab,ti OR chingamin:ab,ti OR chlorochin:ab,ti OR khingamin:ab,ti OR oxychloroquine:ab,ti OR oxychlorochin:ab,ti OR plaquinol:ab,ti OR plaquinil:ab,ti OR quensy:ab,ti OR anoclor:ab,ti OR arthrabas:ab,ti OR avloclor:ab,ti OR cidanchin:ab,ti OR clopirim:ab,ti OR collagenan:ab,ti OR daraclor:ab,ti OR daramal:ab,ti OR dichinalex:ab,ti OR difosquin:ab,ti OR diroquine:ab,ti OR genocin:ab,ti OR heliopar:ab,ti OR klorokin:ab,ti OR malarex:ab,ti OR malaviron:ab,ti OR mirquin:ab,ti OR nivaquine:ab,ti OR ‘novo chloroquine’:ab,ti OR novochloroquine:ab,ti OR paluken:ab,ti OR palux:ab,ti OR pharmaquinine:ab,ti OR plasmoquine:ab,ti OR promal:ab,ti OR ‘p roquine’:ab,ti OR resoquin$:ab,ti OR savarine:ab,ti OR syncoquin:ab,ti OR weimerquin:ab,ti
  1. ‘azathioprine’/de
  2. azathioprine:ab,ti
  3. aseroprim:ab,ti OR aseroprin:ab,ti OR azaallen:ab,ti OR azadus:ab,ti OR azafalk:ab,ti OR azafor:ab,ti OR azafrine:ab,ti OR azaglax:ab,ti OR azahexal:ab,ti OR azamun*:ab,ti OR azaimun:ab,ti OR azamedac:ab,ti OR azap:ab,ti OR azapin*:ab,ti OR azaprine*:ab,ti OR azapress:ab,ti OR ‘aza q’:ab,ti OR azarek:ab,ti OR azasan:ab,ti OR azathiodura:ab,ti OR azathioregio:ab,ti OR azatrilem:ab,ti OR azimune:ab,ti OR azopin*:ab,ti OR azoran:ab,ti OR berkaprine:ab,ti OR colinsan:ab,ti OR glaxoprin:ab,ti OR immunproprin:ab,ti OR imuger:ab,ti OR imunen:ab,ti OR imuprin*:ab,ti OR imuran:ab,ti OR imure*:ab,ti OR imuzat:ab,ti OR oprisine:ab,ti OR satedon:ab,ti OR thioprine:ab,ti OR tiosalprin:ab,ti OR transimune:ab,ti OR zaprine:ab,ti OR zytrim:ab,ti
  4. ‘cyclosporin derivative’/de
  5. cyclosporin*:ab,ti OR ciclosporin*:ab,ti
  6. neoral:ab,ti OR gengraf:ab,ti OR restasis:ab,ti OR sandimmun*:ab,ti OR sangcya:ab,ti
  7. ‘penicillamine’/de
  8. adalkenor:ab,ti OR artamin:ab,ti OR atamir:ab,ti OR byanodine:ab,ti OR cilamin:ab,ti OR cuprenil:ab,ti OR cuprimine:ab,ti OR cupripen:ab,ti OR depen:ab,ti OR distamin*:ab,ti OR ‘d penamine’:ab,ti OR gerodyl:ab,ti OR kelatin*:ab,ti OR mercaptyl:ab,ti OR metalcaptase:ab,ti OR pendramine:ab,ti OR rhumantin:ab,ti OR sufortan*:ab,ti OR trisorcin:ab,ti OR trolovol:ab,ti
  9. ‘cyclophosphamide’/de
  10. cyclophosph*:ab,ti OR cytophosphan:ab,ti OR cytoxan:ab,ti OR sendoxan:ab,ti OR endoxan:ab,ti OR neosar:ab,ti OR ‘nsc 26271’:ab,ti OR procytox:ab,ti OR ‘b 518’:ab,ti OR ifosfamide:ab,ti OR isophosphamide:ab,ti OR iphosphamide:ab,ti OR isofosfamide:ab,ti OR holoxan:ab,ti OR ‘nsc 109’:ab,ti OR ‘asta z 4942’:ab,ti OR cfx:ab,ti OR ‘phosphoramide mustard’:ab,ti OR ‘phosphoramide mustards’:ab,ti
  11. ‘mycophenolic acid’/de
  12. mycophenolate:ab,ti
  13. arzip:ab,ti OR baxmune:ab,ti OR cellcept:ab,ti OR cellmune:ab,ti OR celprot:ab,ti OR ceptolate:ab,ti OR imulate:ab,ti OR muxgen:ab,ti OR lanfetil:ab,ti OR limfocept:ab,ti OR metocris:ab,ti OR micocept:ab,ti OR mmf:ab,ti OR mofecept:ab,ti OR mofetyl:ab,ti OR mofilet:ab,ti OR mofimutral:ab,ti OR mometil:ab,ti OR mophecen:ab,ti OR munotras:ab,ti OR myaccord:ab,ti OR mycept:ab,ti OR myclausenor:ab,ti OR mycofenor:ab,ti OR mycolat:ab,ti OR mycoldosa:ab,ti OR mycophen:ab,ti OR myfenax:ab,ti AND myfetil:ab,ti OR mygref:ab,ti OR myotec:ab,ti OR mysept:ab,ti OR presumin:ab,ti OR refrat:ab,ti OR renocell:ab,ti OR supresta:ab,ti OR tevacept:ab,ti OR trixin:ab,ti
  14. ‘chlorambucil’/de
  15. chlorambucil:ab,ti
  16. amboclorin:ab,ti OR clokeran:ab,ti OR leukeran:ab,ti OR linfolysin:ab,ti OR lympholysin:ab,ti
  17. ‘minocycline’/de
  18. minocyclin*:ab,ti
  19. acneclin:ab,ti OR akamin:ab,ti OR aknemin:ab,ti OR ‘akne puren’:ab,ti OR aknereduct:ab,ti OR ‘aknin mino’:ab,ti OR ‘aknin n’:ab,ti OR aknoral:ab,ti OR aknosan:ab,ti OR apominolin:ab,ti OR arestinor:ab,ti OR auramin:ab,ti OR blemix:ab,ti OR borymycin:ab,ti OR cipancin:ab,ti OR cyclimycin:ab,ti OR dentomycin*:ab,ti OR durakne:ab,ti OR dynacin:ab,ti OR enca:ab,ti OR ‘icht oralor’:ab,ti OR klinoc:ab,ti OR klinomycin:ab,ti OR klinotab:ab,ti OR lederderm:ab,ti OR logryx:ab,ti OR meibi:ab,ti OR mestacine:ab,ti OR micromycin:ab,ti OR ‘minac 50’:ab,ti OR minakne:ab,ti OR minaxen:ab,ti OR ‘mino 50’:ab,ti OR minocin:ab,ti OR minoclin:ab,ti OR minodene:ab,ti OR minoderm:ab,ti OR minogalen:ab,ti OR minolis:ab,ti OR minomax:ab,ti OR minomycin:ab,ti OR minoplus:ab,ti OR minosil:ab,ti OR minostad:ab,ti OR minotab*:ab,ti OR minotekor:ab,ti OR minotrex:ab,ti OR minotyrol:ab,ti OR ‘mino wolff’:ab,ti OR minox:ab,ti OR
mynocine:ab,ti OR myrac:ab,ti OR oracyclin:ab,ti OR parocline:ab,ti OR periocline:ab,ti OR peritrol:ab,ti OR ranmino:ab,ti OR romin:ab,ti OR seboclear:ab,ti OR sebomin:ab,ti OR sebren:ab,ti OR skid:ab,ti OR skinocyclin:ab,ti OR solodyn:ab,ti OR spicline:ab,ti OR triomin:ab,ti OR udima:ab,ti OR vectrin:ab,ti OR yelnac:ab,ti OR zacnan:ab,ti
  1. tofacitinib:ab,ti
  2. xeljanz:ab,ti
  3. #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47
  4. #5 AND #48
  5. ‘adverse drug reaction’/lnk OR ‘complication’/lnk OR ‘side effect’/lnk
  6. safe:ab,ti OR safety:ab,ti
  7. ‘side effect’:ab,ti OR ‘side effects’:ab,ti
  8. ((adverse OR undesirable OR harms* OR serious OR toxic) NEAR/3 (effect* OR reaction* OR event* OR outcome*)):ab,ti
  9. ‘postmarketing surveillance’/exp
  10. ‘phase 4 clinical trial (topic)’/de
  11. ‘intoxication’/exp
  12. ‘drug toxicity’/exp
  13. ‘congenital malformation’/exp
  14. ‘drug monitoring’/de
  15. ‘drug hypersensitivity’/exp
  16. toxicity:ab,ti OR complication*:ab,ti OR noxious:ab,ti OR tolerability:ab,ti
  17. ‘postoperative complication’/exp
  18. ‘peroperative complication’/de
  19. #50 OR #51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 OR #55 OR #56 OR #57 OR #58 OR #59 OR #60 OR #61 OR #62 OR #63
  20. #49 AND #64 AND [humans]/lim AND [embase]/lim AND #38 AND #54 AND [humans]/lim AND [embase]/lim AND #67 AND (2013:py OR 2014:py OR 2015:py OR 2016:py) AND (‘article’/it OR ‘article in press’/it)
Cochrane Central #1 MeSH descriptor: [Arthritis, Rheumatoid] explode all trees #2 ((rheumatoid or reumatoid or rheumat* or reumat*) near/3 (arthrit* or artrit* or diseas* or condition* or nodule*)):ti,ab #3 (felty* near/2 syndrome):ti,ab #4 (caplan* near/j2 syndrome):ti,ab #5 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 #6 MeSH descriptor: [Antirheumatic Agents] explode all trees #7 Antirheumatic*:ti,ab #8 dmard*:ti,ab #9 MeSH descriptor: [Methotrexate] this term only #10 Methotrexate:ti,ab #11 (Abitrexate or amet?opterine or Abitrexate or A Met?opterine* or Antifolan or Emt?exate or Enthexate or Farmitrexate or Folex or Ledertrexate or Methoblastin or Methohexate or Methotrate or Methylaminopterin or Metotrexat$ or mtx or Novatrex or Rheumatrex):ti,ab #12 MeSH descriptor: [Isoxazoles] explode all trees #13 isoxazole*:ti,ab #14 leflunomide*:ti,ab #15 (Afiancen or Arabloc or Arava or Artrilab or Artrimod or Filartros or Inmunoartro or Lefluar or Leflucross or Lefno or Lefra or Lefumide or Lisifen or Molagar or Repso or Rumalef):ti,ab #16 MeSH descriptor: [Sulfasalazine] this term only #17 sulfasalazine:ti,ab #18 (Salazosulfapyridine or sulfasalazine or Sulfosalazine or Sulfasal?zine or Salazopyridin* or asulfidine or azulf?dine):ti,ab #19 MeSH descriptor: [Hydroxychloroquine] this term only #20 Hydroxychloro*:ti,ab #21 (Axokineor or Dolquine or Ercoquin or Evoquin or HCQS or HQT or Hydrocad or Hydroquin or Ilinol or Immard or Metirel or Narbon or Oxcq or Oxiklorin or Oxy-Q or Plaquen?l or Polirreuminor or Quensyl or Reuquinol):ti,ab #22 MeSH descriptor: [Gold Compounds] explode all trees #23 MeSH descriptor: [Organogold Compounds] explode all trees #24 gold:ti,ab #25 MeSH descriptor: [Chloroquine] explode all trees #26 chloroquine*:ti,ab #27 (aralen or arechine or arequin or chingamin or chlorochin or khingamin or nivaquine or oxychloroquine or oxychlorochin or plaquinol or plaquinil or quensy or anoclor or arthrabas or avloclor or cidanchin or clopirim or collagenan or daraclor or daramal or dichinalex or difosquin or diroquine or genocin or heliopar or klorokin or malarex or malaviron or mirquin or nivaquine or novo-chloroquine or novochloroquine or paluken or palux or pharmaquinine or plasmoquine or promal or p-roquine or resoquin$ or savarine or syncoquin or weimerquin):ti,ab #28 MeSH descriptor: [Azathioprine] this term only #29 azathioprine:ti,ab #30 (Aseroprim or Aseroprin or Azaallen or Azadus or Azafalk or Azafor or Azafrine or Azaglax or Azahexal or Aza?mun* or Azamedac or Azap or Azap?in* or Azapress or Aza-Q or Azarek or Azasan or Azathiodura or Azathiodura or Azathioregio or Azatrilem or Azimune or Azop?in* or Azoran or Berkaprine or Colinsan or Glaxoprin or Immunoprin or Imuger or Imunen or Imuprin$ or Imuran or Imure? or Imuzat or Oprisine or Satedon or Thioprine or Tiosalprin or Transimune or Zaprine or Zytrim):ti,ab #31 MeSH descriptor: [Cyclosporins] explode all trees #32 c?closporin*:ti,ab #33 (neoral or gengraf or restasis or sandimmun* or sangcya):ti,ab #34 MeSH descriptor: [Penicillamine] explode all trees #35 Penicillamine:ti,ab #36 (Adalkenor or Artamin or Atamir or Byanodine or Cilamin or Cuprenil or Cuprimine or Cupripen or Depen or Distamin* or D-Penamine or Gerodyl or Kelatin* or Mercaptyl or Metalcaptase or Pendramine or Rhumantin or Sufortan* or Trisorcin or Trolovol):ti,ab #37 MeSH descriptor: [Cyclophosphamide] explode all trees #38 (cyclophosph* or cytophosphan or Cytoxan or sendoxan or endoxan or neosar or nsc-26271 or procytox or b-518 or ifosfamide or isophosphamide or iphosphamide or isofosfamide or holoxan or nsc-109* or “asta z 4942” or cfx or “phosphoramide mustard*”):ti,ab #39 MeSH descriptor: [Mycophenolic Acid] this term only #40 mycophenolate:ti,ab #41 (Arzip or Baxmune or CellCept or Cellmune or Celprot or Ceptolate or Imulate or Imuxgen or Lanfetil or Limfocept or Metocris or Micocept or MMF or Mofecept or Mofetyl or Mofilet or Mofimutral or Mometil or Mophecen or Munotras or Myaccord or Mycept or Myclausenor or Mycofenor or Mycolat or Mycoldosa or Mycophen or Myfenax Myfetil or Mygref or Myotec or Mysept or Presumin or Refrat or Renocell or Supresta or Tevacept or Trixin):ti,ab #42 MeSH descriptor: [Chlorambucil] explode all trees #43 chlorambucil:ti,ab #44 (Amboclorin or Clokeran or Leukeran or Linfolysin or Lympholysin):ti,ab #45 MeSH descriptor: [Minocycline] this term only #46 minocyclin*:ti,ab #47 (Acneclin or Akamin or Aknemin or Akne-Puren or Aknereduct or Aknin-Mino or Aknin-N or Aknoral or Aknosan or Apominolin or Arestinor or Auramin or Blemix or Borymycin or Cipancin or Cyclimycin or Dentomycin$ or durakne or Dynacin or Enca or Icht-Oralor or Klinoc or Klinomycin or Klinotab or Lederderm or Logryx or Meibi or Mestacine or Micromycin or “Minac 50” or Minakne or Minaxen or Mino-50 or Minocin or Minoclin or Minodene or Minoderm or Minogalen or Minolis or Minomax or Minomycin or Minoplus or Minosil or Minostad or Minotab$ or Minotekor or Minotrex or Minotyrol or Mino-Wolff or Minox or Mynocine or Myrac or Oracyclin or Parocline or Periocline or Peritrol or Ranmino or Romin or Seboclear or Sebomin or Sebren or Skid or Skinocyclin or Solodyn or Spicline or Triomin or Udima or Vectrin or Yelnac or Zacnan):ti,ab #48 MeSH descriptor: [Pyrroles] this term only #49 tofacitinib:ti,ab #50 Xeljanz:ti,ab #51 #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 or #30 or #31 or #32 or #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 or #39 or #40 or #41 or #42 or #43 or #44 or #45 or #46 or #47 or #48 or #49 or #50 #52 #5 and #51  
 arthritis & rheumatology
ABA abatacept
AC&R arthritis care & research
ADA adalimumab
AE adverse event
aHR adjusted hazard ratio
Am J Med The American journal of medicine
AR&T arthritis research & therapy
ARD annals of rheumatic diseases
AS ankylosing spondylitis
bDMARD biological disease modifying antirheumatic drugs
BMI body mass index
BSRBR British society for rheumatology biologics registers
C control
CDAI clinical disease activity index
CI confidence interval
Clin Exp Rheumatol clinical and experimental rheumatology
CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Comp Methods computer methods and programs in biomedicine
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
csDMARD conventional synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs
CT computerized tomography
CV cardiovascular
CZP certolizumab pegol
DAS 28 disease activity score 28
DVT deep venous thrombosis
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ETA etanercept
F females
FU follow-up
GOL golimumab
HAQ health assessment questionnaire
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HQC hydroxychloroquine
HR hazard ratio
I intervention
ICD international classification of diseases
ID identification
IFX infliximab
ILD Interstitial lung disease
Int J Rheum Dis International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
IRR incidence rate ratio
IV intravenous
J Rheum journal of rheumatology
JIA juvenile idiopathic arthritis
LEF leflunomide
M males
MI myocardial infarction
MTX methotrexate
NA not applicable
NHL non-Hodgkin lymphoma
NIHIRD national health insurance research database
NMSC non-melanoma skin cancer
NR not reported
NS not specified
PBO placebo
PS propensity scores
PsA psoriatic arthritis
PY patient-years
RA rheumatoid arthritis
REF reference group
RF rheumatoid factor
Rheumatol Int rheumatology international
RTX rituximab
Semin Arthr Rheum seminars in arthritis and rheumatism
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
SLR systematic literature review
SMR standardized mortality ratio
SSZ sulfasalazine
TB tuberculosis
TCZ tocilizumab
TNFi tumour necrosis factor inhibitor
Tuberc Lung Dis international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease
uHR unadjusted hazard ratio
US United States
VA Veterans Affairs
А&R – артрит и ревматология АБА – абатацепт АС&R – лечения артрит и исследований АДА – адалимумаб АЕ – неблагоприятные события aHR – скорректированное отношение рисков АМ J В Мед – Американский журнал медицины АR&Т – исследования артрита и терапия ARD – анналы ревматических заболеваний AC – анкилозирующий спондилит бБМАРП – биологические болезнь-модифицирующие антиревматические препараты ИМТ – Индекс Массы тела BSRBR – регистр биопрепаратов Британского общества ревматологов С – контроль CDAI – клинический индекс активности болезни ДИ – доверительный интервал Clin Exp Rheumatol – клиническая и экспериментальная ревматология ХЛЛ – хронический лимфолейкоз Comp Methods – компьютерных методы и программы в области биомедицины ХОБЛ – хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких csDMARD – обычные синтетические болезнь модифицирующие противоревматические препараты(БМАРП) КТ – компьютерная томография CV – сердечно-сосудистые CZP – цертолизумаб пегол DAS 28 – Индекс активности болезни ТГВ – тромбоз глубоких вен СОЭ – скорость оседания эритроцитов ETA – этанерцепт Ж – женщины FU – последующие GOL – Голимумаб HAQ – анкета оценки здоровья ВИЧ – вирус иммунодефицита человека HQC – гидроксихлорохин ОР – отношение рисков I – вмешательство МКБ – Международная классификация болезней ID – идентификация IFX – инфликсимаб ИЗЛ – Интерстициальные заболевания легких Int J Rheum Dis – Международном журнал Ревматологических заболеваний IRR – соотношение показателей заболеваемости в/в – внутривенно J Rheum – журнал ревматологии ЮРА – ювенильный идиопатический артрит LEF – лефлуномид М – мужчины ИМ – инфаркт миокарда МТ – Метотрексат NA – не применимо НХЛ – неходжкинские лимфомы NIHIRD – Национальные медицинские доказательные базы данных NMSC – немеланомный рак кожи NR – не сообщается NS – не указан PBO – плацебо PS – оценки склонности ПсА – псориатический артрит PY – пациент-лет РА – ревматоидный артрит REF – референтные группы РФ – ревматоидный фактор Rheumatol Int – международная ревматология RTX – ритуксимаб Semin Arthr Rheum – семинары по артриту и ревматизму СКВ – системная красная волчанка SLR – систематический обзор литературы SMR – стандартизованный коэффициент смертности ССЗ – сульфасалазин TB – туберкулез ТЦЗ – Тоцилизумаб иФНО – ингибитор фактора некроза опухоли Tuberc Lung Dis – международный журнал туберкулеза и болезни легких uHR – нескорректированное отношение рисков US – США VA – по делам ветеранов 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35